Disclosures and Disclaimers

    Residency in Costa Rica (“RCR”) makes the following disclosures and disclaimers. Please take a moment to read them.

    1. RCR is a for profit business. We charge a fee for our consulting services.
    2. RCR accepts only US dollars in payment for services rendered. We accept checks, domestic and international bank drafts and major credit cards. (VISA, Master Card, American Express, Discover)
    3. RCR does not provide legal services or legal advice. It is not a law firm and its owners are not attorneys.
    4. RCR reserves the right to retain legal counsel at its own expense, if at RCR’s sole discretion an attorney is warranted to process your application
    5. RCR will follow and obey all required procedures to present your application for approval.
    6. RCR does not, and cannot, guarantee in any manner whatsoever that any application will be approved or a residency granted. It must be kept in mind that approval of any application for residency is based upon each applicant’s own set of individual circumstances and qualifications.
    7. Important: Only the government of Costa Rica through the Departamento de Migración y Extranjería can approve or grant residencies.
    8. RCR is not affiliated with, nor is part of, any branch of the government of the Republic of Costa Rica. We are not employed by, nor represent the government of the Republic of Costa Rica, or its consular or immigration officers, in any manner or capacity whatsoever.

    Thank you for reading RCR’s disclosures and disclaimers. Please contact us directly if you have any questions or to request a copy of RCR’s Privacy Statement.


    Use ResidencyInCostaRica.com -- they aren't lawyers, but they get the job done in record time. I used them, as did ten or twelve of my friends. Some folks I know who used a real lawyer still don't have a cedula, whereas everyone who used Javier Zavaleta got theirs toute de suite. Javier is in Los Angeles, California and his sister is in San Jose.

    T. S., USBusiness/Investor (Inversionista)